As a teen, starting a job means learning about taxes and how they impact your earnings. When you get paid, taxes like income and Social Security are taken out of your paycheck to support public services and programs.

  • Date:4/16/2025 04:00 PM - 11/9/2025 05:30 PM
  • Location Online Event



Students will fill out forms like the W-4 to tell their employer how much tax to withhold. If you earn enough in a year, you may need to file a tax return to report your income and potentially get a refund. Understanding how taxes work can help you manage your money better, avoid surprises, and build smart financial habits for the future.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify key facts about taxes and the tax cycle
  • Explain who qualifies to be claimed as a dependent for tax purposes 
  • Determine whether or not a person is required to file taxes